On Sunday I took part in the San Domenico 20 mile race. It sounds exotic but it's a lovely little local race held in Merthyr Tydfil. I did this race 2 years ago in preparation for the Brighton Marathon. My friend Becca is doing her first Marathon in London next month so I persuaded her that it would be a good idea to do at least one long run as a race and with company. I just fancied doing the race as I like getting the early season run miles in.
The day dawned bright and sunny. The previous day had been pretty warm for March and I got a bit concerned about how hot it would be on the run. I've never been very happy running in the sun and heat. I like nothing better than to layer up on a freezing cold (but sunny) day and head out on a long run. The sun tends to make me wilt.
I don't usually carry water in races but I thought it best to this time. I stocked up my running belt with one bottle of water, one of strawberry Nuun and a packet of shot bloks.
The race started at 10am and Becca and I aimed to run at 10 minute mile pace. After a few dog-leg laps we headed out onto the Taff Trail. The temperature was ok but the sun was already blazing in our faces. I'd worn my visor and sunglasses as I can't stand glare (I do like the sun really). After 3 miles, we worked out we were running at around 9 minute 15 mile pace so we tried to slow down. I felt fine, but not 100%.
At 7 miles is quite an enormous hill which heads up out of the valley, rewarding you with a great view at the top. I ran up most of the hill but walked when it got too steep. Becca ran all the way. Once at the top you gently decend down towards Treharris. I like to run down hills pretty fast, which I'm not sure is always a good idea during a long run. At the end of the decent was a 14% downhill which I ran down like a 6 year old. Once the path was flat again, I realised I felt pretty drained.
The next 3 miles wound along the side of the Taff on a stony path. This didn't help and I started to feel pretty unsettled and hot. I'd worn a t-shirt with my badtri vest over it and concluded that this was probably too much for this weather. Everything was strating to get on my nerves - my belt was too tight and hot around my back, the straps on it kept flapping, my visor was too hot.
At 12.5 miles I picked up a High5 IsoGel which was quite a welcome relief. I perked up a bit and I felt better for the next 2 or so miles (I might start using IsoGel for running). After having to climb up some big steps through an underpass, we were back on the Taff Trail again, heading back towards Merthyr.
With 6 miles to go I was struggling keep up with Becca and slowing down. She was doing so well and she was determined to run all the way and overcome that mental barrier. I started to adopt a bad attitude, that "why am I here? I don't need to do this" attitude I tend to get if I'm not training for an imminent event. I did want to be there, I just wanted to get it done. I started walking up short hills which disappointed me.
I do enjoy running with people but only if I'm having a good run. When the going gets tough I just want to be on my own. So I eventually told Becca to go on, with about 3 miles to go. I'd finished my drinks supply by now and was downing as much water as I could at the drinks station. I was so hot and told anyone who would listen!
I finally got to the 19 mile marker and tried to pick up the pace and get the race done. I still walked up two short hills in the last mile but managed to then 'power' on to the finish. I even managed to outrun another lady. Becca was there at the end to greet me and I finished with a smile on my face, as ever.
I beat my time from 2 years ago by almost 5 minutes but I was hoping to go faster. The 16 mile hilly run to my gran's 2 weeks ago had suggested that I was running faster. I'd been very comfortable on that run and it was a dry, bright but cool day. I can only conclude that I don't do running in 'hot' weather. What concerns me though is that it wasn't even that hot, no more than 20 degrees.
One problem was my outfit. I had one too many layers on. This was the first warm spell of the year, so I don't expect my body's ready for heat yet. Over the coming months I'm going to try to get comfortable running in heat. Hopefully we'll have a few hot spells which will give me the opportunity to head out for short midday runs and test out hydration strategies. I don't want to wilt in my two middle distance triathlons, coming up in May and June when who knows what temperatures will be like!
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